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Rapp's Blog


upper classman!!!
Mood:  happy
Topic: Life
I am now a junior!!! muwahahahaha!!! another year closer to graduation and then to college!! so pumped, upper classman!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by demonickin0 at 7:41 AM CDT
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Schools out!!!!!!
Mood:  happy
Topic: Life
Well the last day of school was last thursday so me and a bunch of people went down to ellis park and had a barbeque and hung out listenin to music and that shit. So much fun, great to hang with the crew, oh and thwe burger were like composite wood, but whatev it was still awesome. then yesterday I went to the pool for a couple hours which was fun, shoulders got burned but sall good. and this morning at 11 am I'm gettin on a plane to californ-I-A!! WOOHOOO!!!!! alas only three day, but none the less three days to live it up with my cousins, aunt and uncle.

Posted by demonickin0 at 7:35 AM CDT
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Phone Fail
Topic: Life

K, so a couple weeks ago my phone charger broke, and I was like okay doesnt look to hard, so I put it back together more or less then I plugged it in and I did this for about a week, thats when the ghetto charger finally stopped working, so I looked around and went to coralville mall where I got another charger for free. Well that night the charger and my phone were connected and they were in my pocket, as I decended the stairs to the basement the charger end broke, making twice this has happened, I again pieced it together and it lasted around one work week, so I was like okay no more fails, so after school on monday I ride way over to the sprint store which is like a 10 minute or so ride from Jeff to there on bike, so I get there right, they find the charger and so I check for my wallet. Thats when I realized I had left my wallet at school in my backpack, oh and by the way its raining, so I get back on my bike, ride all the way back to Jefferson, get my wallet, then ride all the way back and purchase the charger. Then I ride to the market to pick something up when, earlier that day my mother had picked it up, me not knowing because my phone was dead. SO finally I get home and my mom had gone out of town for 6 days and I had been late and didn't see her off.

Talk about a fail.

Posted by demonickin0 at 4:37 PM CDT
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Martial Art Movie Reviews
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Movie(s) of the Week

Well I ve seen alot of martial art movies and I have compiled my top 10 favorite...

1) Prodical Sun [Bai ga jai]- (10/10) Action and Slight Comedy, Absolutely amazing martial art film showing true wing chun and great storyline.

2) Enter the Dragon [Jing wu men]- (10/10) Action and Drama, Showing Bruce Lee's in my favorite performance. In a story about a martial artist agrees to spy on a reclusive crime lord using his invitation to a tournament there as cover.

3) Fearless [Huo Yuan Jia]- (9/10) Jet Li's Final Martial arts epic, providing a true story about  a warrior who became the best.

4) Dragon Tiger Gate [Lung Fu Moon]- (9/10) Action/Fantasy, Great storyline and Martial arts mayhem, totlally awesome movie. Its about three young martial arts masters emerge from the back streets of Hong Kong to help the powerless fight injustice.

5) Hero [Ying Xiong]- (8.5/10) Jet Li and a martial arts movie, and a fantastic story of how one man defeated three assassins who sought to murder the most powerful warlord in pre-unified China.

6) Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon [Wo Hu Cang Long]- (8/10)Action, Wonderful martial arts along with an interesting story with twists and all round great movie. A story of two warriors in pursuit of a stolen sword and a notorious fugitive are led to an impetuous, physically-skilled, teenage nobleman's daughter, who is at a crossroads in her life.

7) The Legend of Drunken Master- (8/10) Action, With Jackie Chan, funny and awesome storyline, aswell as alot of action.

8) The One- (7.5/10) Action and Sci-fi, Bruce Li in a movie about the multiverse theory, and just awesome martial arts. an epic story of a sheriff's deputy fights an alternate universe version of himself who grows stronger with each alternate self he kills.

9) The Karate Kid- (7.5/10) Action and Family, In my opinion an instant classic about a boy who gets bullied, learns martial arts, and teaches the bullies a lesson.

10) Kamen no ninja Aka-Kage- (7/10) Action, A movie about frickin ninjas, what more could you want? 

Posted by demonickin0 at 4:44 PM CDT
Updated: 05/25/09 2:28 PM CDT
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Single and moving on
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Life
Well my girl friend broke up with me today, first trying to do it over texting, but i was like unacceptable. So anyway in the beginning i was like i dont know how this will work cause we are so different, but i was like, i like her and she likes me so ill just over look it, well shes like were so different and in my head im like i said that, thanks for stealing my lines. You know i couldnt care less right now, im kinda mad only because it was an utter waste of my time. well thats basically all that is new in my life this May 22, peace to the people.

Posted by demonickin0 at 6:27 PM CDT
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Beatin round the bush / Question 16
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Life

Ugh you know I could type something that matters or I could just beat around the bush like im doing now. Well you see, umm, gee whiz, life is stupid, Undecided, I'm not sure what to do on a certain topic. Then of course its easy for people to say to do stuff, but you know something is more complicated then others.

Why can't everyone have views that make sense?! 


Posted by demonickin0 at 5:47 PM CDT
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Yo, some new info
Mood:  happy
Topic: Life

Well first and most importantly I have a new girl friend, and shes a cutie., great personallity, and... Okay you probably don't wanta read about it so anyway next topic..............

Well on another topic, the NERF tournament at our school was a fun little event, my team was The Disturbed Ones.

Match 1: The Disturbed Ones vs The Waterbeds    (0-2)

          That was some cheating bull that went down. Man they tied their flag to the chair so we couldnt get it off (cheating), we hit them and they said we were out (Bullshit), and used nerf swords (foam NERF branded swords). I was totally aggro about the situation. We lost cause some fn cheaters.


Match 2: The Disturbed Ones vs The Crazy Chicken Wraps (4-5)

           That my freind was a fun match. Played against a bunch of friends. Toally fair match. This match made the 5 buck entry fee worth it.  We were neck and neck for the entire game the score was even till the sudden death match. That was a blast.


 THANKS TEAM: Stephen, Me, Jarred, Robbie, and Tim

 God job Guys, We put up a good defense, but hey next time the first match probably wont be boggus.

Posted by demonickin0 at 8:23 PM CDT
Updated: 05/06/09 8:35 PM CDT
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Movie(s) of the Week 3
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Movie(s) of the Week

Well first on my list is

 Dragon ball evolution (3/10) - For an action movie it was okay, as for following the dragonball z story it was so off. That movie angered me. IF you have 9 dollars to waste on a mound of crap well there you go.

 The Knowing (6/10)- Fantastic story and amazing effects, I thought this movie was pretty decent except for the ending which failed.

 Harold and Kumar: Go to White Castle (8/10)- Very funny and just all around good movie. Totally recomend it. (disclaimer: saw it on Comedy Central, parents, chill out)

Posted by demonickin0 at 8:19 PM CDT
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Today was BORING!!!!!
Topic: Life
Well today for me, as the title says of this entry, was BORING!!!  well anywho thats basically all I got, no weird thought, I've learned only this, cooped up in the house basically all day, with minimal people interaction drives me crazy, I think I might call someone... Well I hope your day was better then mine. peace!

Posted by demonickin0 at 9:48 PM CDT
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Question 15
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Question of the Day

Well as I was sitting in a different class a thought inserted itself into my brain. What if the H1N1 flu (aka Swine Flu)  became an epidemic and you were 1 of like 50 survivors in the world, immune to the disease. What would you do?

Tell me what you think?

Posted by demonickin0 at 9:28 PM CDT
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