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Rapp's Blog


Yo, 6 weeks
Topic: Life
So I was sittin in class today when I realized that we the students have 6 weeks of school left. When this came to mind I was pumped them I was sadden because there was 6 whole weeks more to go. Well anywho, long story short I can't wait because I got some fun stuff to do. Oh and By the way I forgot to meantion that I had a bunch of people over last weekend for a movie shindig and It was epic. Thanks for comin people. Had some bros over tonight and played my PS2 ...yeah old school I get it... well it was a fun time none the less.

Posted by demonickin0 at 9:21 PM CDT
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We the students
Topic: Life
Life, a constant cycle of the same shit day in, day out, still a world, full of problems on every level. We must look, and listen, and learn. We the students must change the future, because blatantly we are the future, we are the students that will take the jobs of the old, and If we don't correct this terrible world we leave it to the next generation and the next. We have become the zombies of this violant world, that must change. Some students drop out or aren't driven for success because they believe or decide that they don't give a damb or think they can't do anything about this world we live in. I say grow a set and give it a shot, If you don't care then your wasting everyones time.

Posted by demonickin0 at 9:29 PM CDT
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Question 14?
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Question of the Day

Ummm... K so I was sit in the chair gettin my hair cut when this bottle catches my eye... This is not photoshopped... What comes to mind when you first see this...





Posted by demonickin0 at 8:47 PM CDT
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Whats new with me?
Topic: Life
Well last weekend I did this weekend L.I.T. (leader in training) pre-meet thing and it was pretty fun. I love Wapsie. Well anywho today I got a hair cut! :( what else? Good question, I'm still not posting regularly anymore cuz nobodies on here so whatev.

Posted by demonickin0 at 8:34 PM CDT
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Topic: Life
Jeez my tai,l bone hurts, okay so a freind of mine Tyler frikkin kneed me in the ass yesterday and it still hurts. Suck it up randy lolz! Also yesterday a kid I know shank me hand with an allen wrench. Fu8n fun lolz. A girl I liked, knowing I liked her, and she told me she would tell me when she knew what she wanted, found someone else so  seems like everything going great lolz. Well crap happens. Peace!

Posted by demonickin0 at 3:51 PM CDT
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Question 12
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Question of the Day
Question is what recently has gone wrong, but you kinda on some level knew it was coming?

Posted by demonickin0 at 8:41 PM CDT
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Movie(s) of the Week 2
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Movie(s) of the Week

Alright so...

 The Fast and the Furious- The first movie of the series and wasn't bad, but it wasnt great either. Full of car races and explosions, and some car stuff, for the fan this was pretty good. I'll give it  a (7/10)

Shooter- Recomended by a good freind of mine it was really good, had action, strategy, and down right alround good movie. I gotta give it a (9/10)


Posted by demonickin0 at 8:37 PM CDT
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Since I've been gone...
Topic: Life

Truthfully, and probably shockingly to the masses... scratch that... to the couple of people who check this blog, I haven't done much. Hung with freinds, the usual. Life is like a big fn party, with fun and excitement... Okay I'm lying. Life is one big damb impossible puzzle. Seems as though nothing trully falls into place, but like a puzzle you gotta get the edges down and work your way in.

Meaning you gotta have a plan before you can excercise it.

Posted by demonickin0 at 8:32 PM CDT
Updated: 04/13/09 8:37 PM CDT
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Question 11
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Question of the Day

Question is have you ever been equally at fault at something and you didn't mean for it to get worse?

tell us your story...

Posted by demonickin0 at 7:55 PM CDT
Updated: 04/03/09 7:57 PM CDT
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Topic: Life

Well today was an interesting day, got suspended for the last part of the day. See the story goes me and this kid named Max and I have a past ever since middle school. Yesterday, during class, since I was sick of his crap, I stood in front of the class and read a journal entry for Language Arts, where I sayed how people seem to follow the bigger guy, I said how that is a common misconception and how he may be big but lacked a brain. Today when I got back from lunch he calls, me a fag, snitch, and I wear a dirty jacket (wear it every day, even though I washed it last night). So I told him to go suck a dick. I leave the room and I guess he flipped and was gonna come after me, but a cool guy I know by the name of Xavier restrained him. Max took it out on the teachers fan. We had to go to Mr. Szabo's office.I was suspended for the rest of the day, and I don't know about him.


After thinking about everything thats happened. We are both at fault and if anyone knows Max, tell him "Randy is sorry."

Posted by demonickin0 at 7:42 PM CDT
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