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Rapp's Blog


Question 4
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Question of the Day

So since I freakn failed today...

I was curious if anyone else has missed there bus or ride, do to the fact that a site was down or u didn't anticipate the possibility of failing?

Posted by demonickin0 at 4:46 PM CDT
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So today started pretty well I think, woke up, drove with my grandfather, and went over to a freinds house for a bit, here is where the Fail starts, I get there knowing okay there is a party at 5, look up the bus schedule soon and dont f-up, so were chillin, mom calls "...dont forget to check the bus schedule", im like I know, i go down stairs at 2:45pm I go okay i'll look up the site online and I'll figure out a plan, well the site is down, so i'm like just fn perfect, I call the depot and ask when the bus leaves and crap like that, so I leave at 3:30, so I high tail it on my bike back home stopping at the store to pick up a oh so perfect b-day card, I leave and just about to head out of the parking lot when the bus I need passes by (3:56), I'm like NOOOOO!!!!!!!! So okay there has to be another bus right? wrong, the next bus I need leaves at 6:20 so I'll get there 2 hours late, everything basically falls apart afterwords, I get a lecture about how im a loser, can't organize my plans, I'm irresponsible, and how retarded I am for thinking I could get to a party in Marion (35 minutes away), so I can't go, and it as the title of this says, I FAIL.

Posted by demonickin0 at 4:36 PM CDT
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Question 3
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Question of the Day

So I was in the car today and like fn 5 times or some some d-bag cut out infront of us when we had the right away or somethin like that. Seriously...

So the question of today is does anybody have a logical explination for this decrease in driving skills in cedar rapids?

Posted by demonickin0 at 7:15 PM CDT
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More bathrooom work...
Topic: Life
So again today I was over at my mother's client's house and we again worked all day today on the bathroom, installed flooring, and put the toilet back in, aswell as a bunch of other stuff. So yeah as you can tell just another day in paradise. I got a call from my aunt, can't wait to go to California this summer, I so pumped well that's been my day, Peace.

Posted by demonickin0 at 7:12 PM CDT
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Question 2
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Question of the Day

I was watching clerks which brought up and an interesting subject, Have you ever worked some where and the client's or the customers really bugged the crap out of you, so the question basically is...

 What was the most aggrevating work experience?

Posted by demonickin0 at 6:51 PM CDT
Updated: 03/25/09 6:55 PM CDT
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A busy day...In a bathroom?
Topic: Life

Alright so today my mother and I did some demolition on a bathroom at a client's house.  So yeah it was an interesting day of ripping up flooring, takeing out bathroom appliances, and just a busy day day overall.

 Link to Chris Warren's Company Website:

Posted by demonickin0 at 5:12 PM CDT
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Jake Marzen...Beast? Probably
Topic: Life

Check this a vid of Jake Marzen a freind of mine, who knew he could dance like this...I never believed him...

Posted by demonickin0 at 7:38 PM CDT
Updated: 03/24/09 7:45 PM CDT
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Question 1
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Question of the Day

Do that I am athiest I had this interesting thought as I watched Law and Order...

When an atheist goes to court, do they have to swear on the bible?


Posted by demonickin0 at 3:49 PM CDT
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Today so far...
Topic: Life

soo... today? man it's been rainy and dark all day. Hung out with my freind Derek for a bit then he left now I'm bored as...well something else thats really bored.

 P.S. I'm starting a new part of this blog called the question of the day...

Posted by demonickin0 at 3:44 PM CDT
Updated: 03/24/09 4:58 PM CDT
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Nice Night...DO SOMETHING!
Topic: Life
Tonight it's pretty nice out. Recomend people to go out tonight and hang outside. Just the right temperature. Well thats all I've got, hope you too have a wonderful evening.

Posted by demonickin0 at 9:14 PM CDT
Updated: 03/24/09 4:03 PM CDT
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